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ACS All Publications Package

Empower Research and Education

The ACS All Publications Package provides access to all of ACS’s journals—including flagship titles Journal of the American Chemical Society and Chemical Reviews—and essential objective science news via C&EN Global Enterprise. Equip your campus with a single package that supports the research and education needs of departments across the university including chemistry, physics, engineering, biology, and allied health professions.

Why choose the ACS All Publications Package?

  • The ACS All Publications Package gives wide access to all ACS journal content, so you’re equipping researchers with maximum access to essential research
  • ACS Publications journals are some of the most cited in chemistry, providing an outstanding return on your investment.
  • Many of our journals earn top rankings in Impact Factor and total citations, with the majority ranking in the top quartile of their subject category (based on Impact Factor).
  • Organizations that read ACS Publications are more likely to publish in our high-impact journals, which can lead to increased funding and a higher-quality university experience.
  • Our journals include research from a full cross-section of disciplines, making them valuable to a variety of departments such as physics, biological sciences, and engineering. In fact, the majority of articles that cite ACS Publications fall outside core chemistry categories.

What’s included?

  • ACS’s full suite of more than 70 hybrid journals. This includes barrier-free access to any article published between 1996 and today. When new titles become available, you’ll get automatic, seamless access immediately, with no action needed.
  • C&EN Global Enterprise. Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) is the world’s most comprehensive and authoritative source of news about chemistry and related fields. C&EN Global Enterprise includes all content from 2016 through today.

View the current ACS All Publications title list (.xlsx)

How to get access

The ACS All Publications Package is available to academic institutions via annual or multi-year subscription. Pricing is based on usage and institution tier.

Get access or contact your sales representative directly to review all acquisition options.

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