Access for Academic Organizations
Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most Read.
ACS Publications provides the scientific community with journals, books, news, references, and training products. This page summarizes the most common packages subscribed to by academic libraries. Visit the individual solutions pages for access options related to those resources.
Featured Packages
The packages below represent those most often chosen by our academic subscribers. These options range from getting access to all front-file journals to choosing the most essential journals to meet your organization's needs.
Digital Learning Powered by ACS Institute
Explore ACS digital learning solutions that are authoritative, accessible, and compatible with your learning management systems (LMS). ACS digital learning solutions are designed for institutional adoption and distribution via your LMS, allowing faculty to assign learning, track progress, and assess students all within the LMS. Get free evaluator access today to experience these time-saving tools for educators.
Learn MoreDigital Books, References, and News
ACS Publications offers a broad array of peer-reviewed digital books that help readers gain a depth of understanding, references that help scientists communicate effectively and remain compliant with analytical chemistry requirements, and news that makes sense of technology in the world around us.

ACS Legacy Archives
Whether you are trying to understand prior art for a patent application or want to apply time-tested methods to a new synthetic pathway, ACS journal content prior to 1996 still remains an extremely valuable asset.
More than a hundred years of research at your fingertips. The concepts captured in the ACS Legacy Archives are still being applied in new ways every day. Immediate access means no waiting for content that is standing between your research team and the next big solution.
Many academic libraries find that making a one-time investment in purchasing the ACS Legacy Archives results in substantial long-term savings in subscriptions.
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