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ACS All Access

Barrier-Free Access to Research Literature

Maximize R&D efforts by giving researchers everything they need for discovery. The ACS All Access Subscription provides access to all journals, digital books, news, and archives at a price that makes sense for your company. It is a package designed to encourage innovation, and is available for commercial and government institutions.

Why choose the ACS All Access Subscription?

  • Organizations that open access to the entire ACS portfolio find that, on average, their previous plan supplied less than 50% of the critically needed ACS articles. Enhance the speed of discovery and grow an engaged workforce by providing barrier-free access to everything scientists need for novel and valuable solutions.
  • The ACS All Access Subscription is priced holistically—considering things such as research capacity, number employees, patent volume, and more—to ensure that your plan is scaled to your company’s needs.
  • Any company with an R&D team will find quick access to valuable information. Save time over waiting for documents to be delivered, and avoid costly and unnecessary experiments when you could find an answer in literature.


What’s included?

The ACS All Access Subscription provides comprehensive access to the valuable tools that organizations need to get ahead in R&D:

  • ACS Journals: Find information on the cutting edge of science in ACS’s more than 70 hybrid journals. Get immediate access to any journal article, whether it’s a recent publication or part of our Archives. Put the most-cited suite of scientific journals to work in your research.
  • ACS eBooks: Take a deeper look into a research topic with the peer-reviewed, novel research contained in ACS eBooks. Our eBooks cover research from 1949 to the present and provide more than 37,000 chapters across 1,700 books. These books contain essential research by the world’s leading scientists, including the work of 42 Nobel Laureates.
  • ACS Reagent Chemicals: ACS Reagent Chemicals provides a single-resource solution for any scientist who needs to understand or apply ACS approved methods and specifications for analytical reagents.
  • ACS In Focus: Renowned ACS In Focus authors cover a broad range of emerging topics, important techniques and related applications, career options, and ways in which topics are applied in business and industry. Any scientists who wants to get up to speed on a topic outside of their current competencies can benefit from this series.
  • C&EN: Get objective news from the world’s largest scientific society. It’s the weekly science news source of record. Get access to every article, ad, and more from 1924 to the present to boost your industry awareness and aid in competitive research.
  • ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication: A discovery is nothing if it cannot be communicated externally. With the volume of information in the world today, a resource like the Guide is an important tool to help researchers become more effective communicators, from lab notebook to boardroom.

How to subscribe

The ACS All Access Subscription is available to commercial and government institutions via annual or multi-year subscription. We have a range of options and access types to suit your organization.

Get access or contact your sales representative directly to review all acquisition options.

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