ACS In Focus digital primers contain many features to make the content user friendly and informative. Key features include:
- Brief: Authors keep to the minimum word count necessary to ensure each primer can be read in four to eight hours
- Multimedia: Complex concepts explained via molecular models, video, and more
- Insider Q&A: Interviews (and transcripts) with field insiders
- Check Your Understanding: Eight to ten end-of-primer questions, with answers provided via video and transcript
- Read These Next: Author recommended content, such as review articles, to read after the chapter or the primer
- A Day in the Life: Case studies that show how a tool is used or offer practical advice
- Pop-up Glossary & Acronyms: Definitions of key terms and acronym meanings conveniently available via pop-up
- That’s a Wrap: Bulleted end-of-chapter summaries
Please note, the title list contains both published and planned titles. Because of our strict peer-review process, all planned titles must be treated as tentative, as we cannot guarantee the publication of any planned titles.