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Energy and Transportation

Chemistry powers innovation and application in the energy and transportation fields.

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Energy and Transportation Solutions in Unexpected Places

Vanadium pentoxide has a high theoretical capacity as an electrode material, but it exhibits poor rate performance. Research published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C shows promising improvement in its performance when different cations are used.

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From Our ACS Editors

We all know that people’s demand for a high quality of life will continue to increase the global demand for energy. We look to chemical reactions to provide energy and in turn to novel energy sources to power chemical reactions.”
Carolyn Bertozzi Editor-in-Chief, ACS Central Science
Nanoscience offers significant promise for future advances in problems related to energy, the environment, and biology.”
Kirk Schanze Editor-in-Chief, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
The need to develop alternative energy sources is at a critical point and has economic, societal, and scientific implications.”
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer Editor-in-Chief, Chemical Reviews
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