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ACS Journals

Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most Read.

For more than a century, award-winning ACS journals have maintained the highest editorial standards to deliver peer-reviewed, cutting-edge chemistry research to academic, corporate, and government institutions. With more than 80 hybrid and open access titles and thousands of articles available, ACS journals provide high-quality, high-impact research.

Why choose ACS Journals?

Materials Science journal covers

What's Included?

Many ACS journals are multidisciplinary; even our niche journals cover topics that support—or are supported by—a broad array of research areas. More than one ACS journal could hold the answer you need.

These are just a few of the subject areas ACS journals encompass: agriculture and food chemistry; analytical chemistry; biological and medicinal chemistry; catalysis; chemical education; chemical engineering and industrial chemistry; earth, space, and environmental chemistry; energy; inorganic chemistry; materials science; nanoscience; organic chemistry; organometallic chemistry; physical chemistry; polymer science; theoretical and computational chemistry.

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Journal Metrics 2024

World-Class Science

ACS employs editors who are world-renowned, active leaders in their fields. Our rigorous peer review process ensures rapid publication of the highest quality information that you can trust in the lab and when making policy decisions. You can be confident that you are working with the world’s most reliable information, with ACS Journals achieving some of the industry’s best median impact factors and extraordinarily low retraction rates.

The peer-reviewed journals of ACS are the most-cited or highest-impact scientific journals in five scientific categories, including four of the seven core chemistry categories, according to the 2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2024).

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Access options to fit your organization's unique needs

ACS All Access
Corporate and Government only
Get access to all ACS Journals, ACS eBooks, ACS In Focus, news, and references such as ACS Reagent Chemicals and ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication.
ACS All Publications
Academic only
Get unlimited subscription access to the front files (1996-present) of all ACS journals. This package also provides seamless access to any new journals that may become available during the subscription term.
ACS Core Plus
Academic only
Get unlimited subscription access to the front-files (1996-present) 20 of the most in-demand ACS journals for academia plus C&EN Global Enterprise. Also includes an allotment of tokens that may be used to access non-subscribed content such as archives, ACS Reagent Chemicals, and more.
ACS Science Essentials
Academic only
Choose subscription access to the front-files (1996-present) of any five ACS journals at a deeply discounted rate.
Metered Access
All Institutions
Purchase a pre-paid package of tokens that can be used to download any ACS Journal article. They also provide access to ACS eBook chapters, C&EN Global Enterprise news articles, ACS Guide chapters, and ACS Reagent Chemicals monographs. (any institution)
(Note: ACS In Focus digital books are not available via token due to technical incompatibilities.)
Individual Journals Subscriptions
All Institutions
Chose any combination of individual journals and tailor your access to meet your institutions needs. Note, it is strongly recommended to combine this option with a tokens package as almost all successful R&D efforts require access to information that may be found in unexpected places.

What Our Customers Say

Providing access to ACS journals is crucial to the library’s support of our Chemistry department—both faculty and students. To put it another way, even though we only offer an undergraduate Chemistry program, we cannot “get by” with providing access to a set of inferior chemistry journals. ACS journals are a must-have for our faculty and students.”
Bruce G. Kocour Carson-Newman University
The quality and reliability of ACS journals stands out. They’re trusted.”
Douglas Williamson Senior Team Leader, Chemistry at Vernalis Research
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